Thursday, October 16, 2008

September 2008 Tucson Housing Report


Historically September is a slower month than August which has been the case since 1996. This year there was an increase in sales by 3.43% over August which affirms that the Tucson market is continuing to stabilize.

Now is a good time to buy a home.
- Conditions are ideal for buyers. Prices have moderated, and interest rates are hovering near 40-year lows.
- Current market conditions won't last long. NAR research shows that prices are beginning to stabilize and interest rates are creeping up. A modest increase in property values is expected in 2009.
- The new first-time homebuyer tax credit and the availability of a number of attractive and safe mortgage products provide additional reasons for buyers to get off the fence and into the market.

The market is strong and getting stronger.
- The new homebuyer tax credit contained in the new Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 likely will bring about 2.5
million first-time buyers into the market between now and the middle of next year.
- The Emergency Economic Stability Act enacted on October 3, 2008 will help to improve credit markets, and NAR predicts that as a result home prices will pick up in 2009.
- Home ownership continues to be a wise investment. FHA market share is expected to triple over the next three years, from an estimated 4 percent in 2007 to 12 percent in 2009

Contact Julie Nellis for more information on Tucson's Real Estate Market. 520-918-3843 or visit my website at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a good time to buy in your area. The Bend Oregon real estate market is starting to pick up. There are some good buys available.