Sunday, August 26, 2007

March 2007 Market Review

In many ways, March has conformed to Tucson's traditional seasonal trends. Total unit sales have increased over January and February, as they usually do around this time of the year. 1,246 units were sold in March '07, an increase of 235 solds over February '07. This number is down from 1,501 a year prior, in March '06.

As unit sales have risen, sales volume also increased over the beginning months of the year. Sales volume totaled $344,501,253 in march '07, up from January and February '07. While this number is down over March '06, this is still the third highest sales volume for March in Tucson's history.

Our inventory continues to rise as well, after slowly decreasing towards the end of '06. Active listings in march '07 totaled 10,185, an increase of 338 listings over the previous month. Of those listings, 84.6% are single family residences.

The market continues to move and grow in Tucson-new listings are being added (2,710 in March '07), unit sales are up, and more contracts are pending (1,192 in march '07 over 1,094 in February '07).

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